Dream Week Portobello

Our week at Expo Revestir, which returned to the face-to-face format, had an intense schedule, which was broadcast on our official digital channels, right from the stand, every day of the fair.

Access our recorded lives, learn about the news and come dream with us!

Unltd Dreams

Portobello Collection 22. For those who dream

Dreams represent the beginning of everything, a path to realization. What makes us hope for the future is precisely the human capacity to imagine, to dream. And how good it is to be able to dream about things.

Portobello takes advantage of this ability to suggest innovation. In these new times, the collective purpose is imperative. After all, we are part of and responsible for the whole. From the collective dream, everything changes and is transformed, including the beauties of the world.

Collection concept video

Unltd Dreams

Colectione Purpose.

A clean, fast, and sound execution from project to disassembly. The Portobello stand, with its modular architecture, welcomes our collection within the UNLTD Dreams concept. Our dream of a sustainable stand has come true!

The project around 1,000 m² in total, co-created between our team and partners, Marcelo Rosenbaum and MarchettiBonetti+ Arquitetos Associados, compiles two spaces with mezzanines, with “streets” made of slabs that connect these areas to give the feeling of a unique place.

With a production process that is always attentive to the origin and destination of the materials, around 80% of this stand will be used in other locations, such as environments, displays, and lighting, which will be fully used in new Portobello Shop stores. Check out our materials and learn more!

View the photo gallery Production process video

Future of Dreams

Making the world a better place starts now.

Portobello wants to dream of a better future with you. Therefore, our proposal is to create a cloud of ideas for a more sustainable world from the messages you will send us.
Want to know more details and take part in the initiative?

Share your sustainable dream


Key players in our history and in many others

A dream dreamed together is much closer to being achieved. That’s why, at Portobello, designing is a collective activity. Our innovation cycle never stops.
Do you want to learn about the Portobello Shop relationship program?

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