Tuscan-Scented Kitchen

Andrea Ottoni e Bruna Barbieri
A new kitchen concept. A redefined space to receive friends and host family members in the comfort of the home. Thoughtfully designed to draw everyone in, this kitchen could easily be mistaken for a living room. A project that boldly mixes fabrics, textures and colors, combined with technology and significant affective memory to prove that a dull white kitchen where the cook is isolated and forgotten is a thing of the past!
 Andrea Ottoni e Bruna Barbieri
Andrea Ottoni e Bruna Barbieri
Andrea Ottoni graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, and specialized in interior architecture and trends at the Marangoni Institute, in France and England. Her modern and elegant style is imprinted on each of her works in architecture and design, in finishes, interiors, residential, commercial or corporate renovations.

Bruna Barbieri graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, with a graduate degree in Project Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas.

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Guilherme Congra