Architecture + Irreverence
Rationality + Innovation
Modernism + Contemporaneity
A sum of strength that expresses the consistency of the design created by Paulo + Nadezhda.
Paulo Mendes da Rocha, a great master of Brazillian Modern Architecture that we admire so much.
Nadezha Mendes da Rocha, designer and architect, a talent that has been giving us strong and sensitive creations.
The tile on a new scale. The starting point of the restless mind and that always finds its way to surmount boundaries. and to dream. Dreaming of tiles. That grow. That fragments itself. That recompose. Artistic panels in pure black and white. Application in furniture. Democratic, relaxed and everyday coverings. Joy to step and touch. Mosaics that reinvent themselves in elongated elegance.
A sum of technique, art, design with a dream, poetry, and sensibility.
Exponential sum. A sum that multiplies possibilities.
Maxi tiles.
Earth. Natural. Concrete.
Plots that, added together, are more. More Brazillianness. More modernity. More contemporaneity.
More dreams.
Portobello + Paulo + Nadezhda. Our sum of dreams.
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